New Road Primary School


Our SEND coordinator at New Road Primary School is Mrs Becky Mitchell.  If you are a parent of a child with special educational needs and you have any concerns or wish to discuss the provision for your child, in the first instance, parents are encouraged to speak to the child’s class teacher. If, however, parents feel that their issues have not been resolved then they should make an appointment to see the SENDCO, Mrs Mitchell, or the Headteacher.

If the matter remains unresolved the parents should follow our complaints procedure. This is available on our website in our policies section. We would also advise parents to seek support from the Calderdale SEND information and advice and support service (SENDIASS). This service is impartial and confidential.

Please click on our links: New Road Send Information or SEND Policy

Our SEND information and SEND Policies can also be found in our policies sections of the website.

We can also supply you with a paper copy of SEND Policy or school SEND Information just ask our school office team who will download a copy for you, free of charge. You can call them on - 01422 831351

For parents wishing to support their children who experience difficulties in literacy tasks or who have been diagnosed with Dyslexia (or a specific learning disorder) you may find the resource found on the link below useful. The iPad Apps Wheel lays out apps according to the support your child may need and the links in the wheel will take you directly to the apps in the app store.

Please click on the link:  iPad Apps for children with Dyslexia/ Reading and Writing Difficulties.


Click below for further information